Hope Family Homes

Restoring hope, Changing lives

FOH Logo

In Partnership with

Fountain of Hope

Good day to you. Please will you help me, I would like to know if anyone follows this website, you can help me by going to the "CONTACT" page and sending a message like "I HAVE READ THIS MESSAGE" Thank you in advance. I will not ask for any other details. Thank you

Hope Family Homes is a registered UK charity No. 1067317. We rely on income from people like you who want to see 100% of any donation go to, in this case, the children. This is without salaries, "expenses" and any other "fees" syphoned off.

You can now support us when ordering from SMILE AMAZON. Go to our BLOG page for details.

The BLOG/update page is updated regularly, please check out the BLOG/Update page where photos and news will be posted...

June 2017

These are some of the family members you help to support. Each child has their own story. 

Our home in Kenya is known as Bethlehem and is now under new management, a new team called Fountain of Hope. These people have the same vision, Hope Family Homes are partnering with them to continue the work.

                   Fountain of Hope Team

Statement from Fountain of Hope

About us.

Fountain of Hope Centre is a legally registered, not for profit organization. It is spearheaded by youth with a common vision of bridging the gap between street chidren, orphans and the vulnerable to be acceptable people in the society. This is achieved through rehabilitation, counseling, education/vocational training, giving of livelihood skills and finally reintergation.

We strive to give our children the best by taking care of them as if they were our own. We encourage our children to always look their best, do their best, express themselves and value themselves. Our Motor is raising men of valor and producing women with Proverbs 31 values. We are not afraid to go an extra mile to light up a smile on a childs face. We are a unique home, transparent, talented and creative.

The Fountain of Hope Team.

Love is to a child what sunshine is to a flower!